Avira For Free Personal Used
Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008
When the first time heard concerning the computer virus of many people mengasumsikan as being proper for the virus to humankind, the computer virus could spread to humankind and could make the person be still being sick and evidently only of his characteristics that were same between the virus in the real world and the virus in the world of IT/Komputer. We as the user of the computer wanted did not want must aware against this one. Possibly we only normal users and our data then were not as expensive compared with big companies, but often this reduced the activity and our productivity as the user of the computer.
There were several methods of preventing the spread of the computer virus, and that was safest was “membatasi the exchange of the data to the computer kita”, but this matter will make the computer and we ourselves even like the frog in the coconut shell. Everything with the internet expansion with various facilities sorts, wanted to not want to make our computer be connected with the computer/the data from outside. So as we must be able to choose software the defence of the virus that was easy update him. In fact the threat not only from “virus komputer”, but had the other threat like “worm”,”trojan”, “spyware” and the other bad program (”Malware”) that must be guarded against by us.
For the program antivirus had many choices that were available, like the product from big and famous companies like symantec, Mcaffe etc., definitely we must grope in the pocket more in for this one affair. There was the other alternative that could be it was said free. We could try antivirus that free from the internet. One of them was antivirus “Avira Antivir Personal” you could his site access here. Avira artificial from avira gmbh, the manufacturer's company antivirus from Germany, was based on Antivir antivirus engine that was launched during 1998 that was named “H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH” when being created.
Free For Personal Used
To use this product you could download in this site, there was 3 choice for the personal user:
1. Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus
2. Avira AntiVir Premium
3. Avira the Security Suite Premium
To that free was chosen by us option that was first, you could direct in download avira from the main site download.com. until this article was written, was available two mirror the alternative to download, if that was other down please that satun him in tucows download (Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus 7,06,00,270) or in softpedia.com (Avira AntiVir Personal 8,1,00,460/7,06,00,270) with the measurement file him around 21 MB.
Download manual, Update Definition Virus.
Whereas for the manual update file him could you download through the address website here or direct you download through this address. After terinstal in our computer, Icon avira antivirus will emerge in tray our computer bar with the sign “payung was terbuka” to active, and “payung tertutup” if avira was killed. Confirm Icon Avira was open the picture of his umbrella.
The weakness for Free Personal
1. For Avira AntiVir Personal that was worn to the personal computer: Every Year must we update antivirus engine him, that was fortunate him still was available free through web avira whether henceforth or until.
2. Was not available to anti spyware him, you could use the alternative software the preventive spyware made by the other side. It was other that time could we sharingkan for Free the preventive program spyware like spybot & destroy that was moderate potent to prevent spyware or you could seaching through the internet.
Taken From Sejutablog.com