Women Want Multiple Orgasm
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
Understand the sexual desires of women giving great benefits for each spouse. After successfully satisfy him, he'll be ready to give satisfaction, no less pleasant for you. Men and women have different sexual desires. If you do not understand and try bridged, one-one of these things trigger the bed so the story is not satisfactory. Here are three of the demand for women around sex, as reported by the Times of India.
Multiple orgasms
Most of the women complained, her partner failed to provide satisfactory orgasm. Not a few who end up keeping this disappointment. While men, found this as a sense of lack of respect for women to pleasure men, because only the concentration of the orgasm. Dr Amit Agarwal sexologists asserted, "Women must not act aggressively if it is not easy to get an orgasm from partner. There may be several reasons behind this. So, instead of showing anger and make it look like a must, try to enjoy the romance completely." He also stated, once you stop asking satisfying climax, you'll not only take action in a better way, but the enjoyment level will also soar.
Slow and steady movement
Women not less berhasratnya when it comes time to make love. They prefer men? not too wild in sexual behavior. The reason why men find it difficult to give up with this demand is because they enjoy sex to get satisfaction and pleasure, while women are looking for intimacy that may not sound quite stimulating for men.
"To expect him to perform in bed, according to the terms and conditions, will kill sex drive and causing problems in sexual life. Although it does not mean you have to accept whatever he does in bed, but it's too rigid, and expect them to act sluggish always be a bad move , "said Ratan sex therapist Dr. Mehrotra. He menambahikan, if the male partner do not feel comfortable, let them know what makes you excited to make love. Until later, woke up relationships based on mutual understanding.
Using protective
Treating sex as a duty or responsibility that must be fulfilled every night is not a healthy thing. Women in general, often requires him to use contraception while men consider sex reduces pleasure. Demand for contraception by the women each had sex mostly driven by the fear of pregnancy. "If you are too strongly that couples should use protection during sex, give a logical explanation for him to understand your mind space. Putting this as the demand will only make him angry, maybe even reject," advises Dr. Gupta sexologists. Dr. Gupta emphasized, express this request in the right way, because the force will not help anything. In addition, there are other methods, such as the contraceptive pill, which tend to be more easy.