Dangers of Drinking Too Often A laxative Medicine  

Many people who suffer from constipation to be very dependent on the laxative (laxative) to overcome their problems. The truth is rarely one to take laxatives on a regular basis, let alone every day. Laxatives can make even more severe constipation.

When taken in excess, laxatives can dispose of vitamins and other nutrients needed before fully absorbed. Laxatives can also cause water expenditure, sodium, potassium excess. In addition, the habit of using laxatives tend to weaken the intestinal muscles and reduce the power function.

Consequently, once you stop taking laxatives on a regular basis, constipation is not only reappeared but will be getting worse. Excessive usage of laxatives can cause lazy bowel syndrome (BAB). This condition makes the intestine fails to function properly because the intestine so dependent on laxatives to perform tasks that disposal.

To overcome constipation, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Gradually add the fiber in the diet by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Perform regular physical exercise because exercise helps stimulate contractions defecate. Spend some time each day to do defecate, even if you do not want to do it. You should try to make bowel movements more defecate so trained.

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